CalCPA Leadership Institute

Strong leaders in strategic positions are key to CalCPA’s continued success.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-25 CalCPA Leadership Institute Class
CalCPA Leadership Institute is a 5-day program designed to teach members skills that will make them better leaders and managers. Participants will grow as volunteer and business leaders as they focus on improving leadership behavior, critical thinking and management skills.
The Leadership Institute boasts a track record where over 50% of its graduates ascend to executive leadership roles within the profession. Nearly 400 CalCPA members have graduated from the program, with many moving on to become chapter and state leaders within the organization.
Results & impact
CalCPA and the CalCPA Education Foundation underwrite the costs of the program except for a small administrative fee of $249. This administrative fee and all travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the individual attendee.
Qualified candidates who are current CalCPA members (in good standing) and who have the greatest potential for fulfilling future leadership roles at CalCPA will be considered. Participants are selected by application only. Students are ineligible for this program.
How will CalCPA's Leadership Institute impact you?
"There were two key components: the instructor and my peers. The instructor, Bill Reeb, delivers excellent information, drawing upon years of experience training accounting firms. But never judge a book by its cover; once you get over Bill’s Hawaiian shirts and 'external wallet,' you realize that what he knows is invaluable. I learned a lifetime’s worth of lessons. The depth of peer interaction is something no cocktail hour or networking event can provide."
Tayiika Dennis, CPA
“I just wanted to pass on my appreciation for CalCPA for hosting this amazing program. Bill is an absolutely amazing teacher and speaker. I don't think there was anyone in the room who wasn't touched in some way, and I and everyone I spoke to felt that we all came away with more information than we ever bargained for. I'm sure you've had this feedback before over the years, but I am just so impressed that you made this program available. I know we will all make good use of what we are learning and I know that it will change our professional careers for the good. I don't think I truly appreciated what I would get out of this when I signed on so I wanted to make sure that you and everyone responsible are aware of what a great job you are doing!”
Kelli Cox, CPA
Program Summary
CalCPA Leadership Institute participants spend 35 hours discussing, analyzing, reflecting and building their leadership skills. The program is worth 35 hours of non-technical CPE if fully and successfully completed. Among the key concepts covered are:
Fundamentals of Leadership
Identifying Personal Leadership Styles
Strategic Planning and Goal Setting
Client Management
Managing People
Download the full program summary
If you have questions about the 2024-25 Leadership Institute program, please contact:
David Lo,
(818) 546-3559