Political Action Committee for CPAs

Together... we make the difference
By supporting CPA-PAC, you can help legislative and statewide candidates—regardless of political affiliation—who can help improve the business climate for your clients. CPA-PAC provides the means for CPAs to participate in the public policy process and voice their concerns about issues affecting the accounting profession.
CPA-PAC is the member-managed, member-driven and member-focused political action committee of CalCPA. It serves as CalCPA’s independent, voluntary and nonprofit political action arm that supports legislative and statewide candidates—regardless of political affiliation—based on their ability to make a difference for California CPAs and businesses. CPA-PAC provides the means for CPAs to participate in the public policy process and voice their concerns about issues affecting the accounting profession.
CPAs face an increasing number of laws and regulations every year that can make the profession more challenging and complex. By being proactive and increasing our visibility in the political arena, CPA-PAC provides the means to protect the integrity of our profession and improve California’s business climate. Participating in the process ensures that we are well-connected to decision makers who impact our professional and personal lives.
Please Contribute Here.
What is the CPA-PAC?
CPA-PAC is the member-managed, member-driven and member-focused political action committee of CalCPA. It serves as CalCPA’s independent, voluntary and nonprofit political action arm that supports legislative and statewide candidates—regardless of political affiliation—based on their ability to make a difference for California CPAs and businesses. CPA-PAC provides the means for CPAs to participate in the public policy process and voice their concerns about issues affecting the accounting profession.
Why is CPA-PAC important?
CPAs face an increasing number of laws and regulations every year that can make the profession more challenging and complex. By being proactive and increasing our visibility in the political arena, CPA-PAC provides the means to protect the integrity of our profession and improve California’s business climate. Participating in the process ensures that we are well-connected to decision-makers who impact our professional and personal lives.
Why contribute to CPA-PAC?
Because campaigns are expensive, financial resources that are pooled from members with diverse interests and backgrounds have a significant impact on the legislative process. Term limits and reapportionment add to the costs of California elections and brings a steady stream of new legislators unfamiliar with the issues facing the CPA profession. To see that good legislators are elected, good people have to care enough to support them.
Where does the CPA-PAC get its money?
Your voluntary contribution is CPA-PAC’s primary source of funding. Many members contribute through their CalCPA renewal invoice, but you may also contribute any time. Members often contribute $100, $250 or more.
How will CPA-PAC spend the contributions?
CPA-PAC will support candidates for office, regardless of political affiliation, who demonstrate the ability to make a positive difference for California CPAs and businesses.
Who decides which candidates to support?
The volunteer members of CPA-PAC’s board of directors make those decisions. These are CPAs, just like you, who are politically active and contribute to CPA-PAC.
I am a member of the AICPA and already contribute to its PAC. Isn’t CPA-PAC a duplicative effort?
No. The efforts of the AICPA are designed to lobby for issues at the federal level. CPA-PAC works mostly with state officials and candidates. State laws and regulations can have just as much, if not more, of an impact on the CPA profession.
How can I get support for my candidate?
Because CPA-PAC money is limited, the CPA-PAC board gives priority to those requests for support that come from members who contribute to the CPA-PAC.
For more information about the CPA-PAC, contact CalCPA’s government relations team at (916) 441-5351, or send a letter of request to CPA-PAC, 500 Capitol Mall, Suite 1760; Sacramento, CA 95814.
What are the legal restrictions of CPA-PAC?
CPA-PAC must file disclosure reports with the Secretary of State. Contributions totaling $100 or more to CPA-PAC must be listed with the name, address, occupation and employer of the contributor. Contributions are reported in aggregate.
Firm contributions more than $100 must disclose which CalCPA members are included in the contribution. If not, the firm will be listed as the contributor.
California law limits CPA-PAC contributions from individuals to $7,300 per calendar year.
Contributions or gifts to CPA-PAC are not deductible as a charitable contributions for federal or California income tax purposes.