I’ve been pondering a question around this time each year – sort of re-evaluating my relationship with the Fresno summers. Does anyone actually enjoy the heat in Fresno, especially in July? Possibly, but I have yet to meet anyone who thinks, “Thank you for this beautiful, scorching heat, Mother Nature”.
If you’re trying your best to stay indoors this summer, please join us for our Summer Social & Trivia Night at Sequoia Brewery (Champlain) on 7/17, where we will honor the new licensees, and the best and most competitive teams will battle for the title of “The ULTIMATE Trivia Nerds.” Except . . . there is no cool title to be had, unless you make one up for yourself upon winning of course. It will be a fun night of food, drinks and hilarious competition.
Also, please consider sponsoring a table at our upcoming Student Night on 9/24, where you can meet eager students curious about our profession, the possibilities available to them and potentially an internship for next season. We work all year to raise money to award scholarships to students. Please help us promote and continue our cool profession!