Firm Billing Program
Become one of the 250+ firms in California that are part of CalCPA’s Firm Billing Program
Make membership invoicing simpler for you and your firm
Rather than processing multiple individual membership renewal invoices for each of your employees, get just one invoice. You and your employees will no longer be burdened with reminders, invoices or reimbursement forms.
Participating is easy! You can enroll in our Firm Billing Program anytime of the year.
Here's how the program works:
Your firm designates an employee to serve as their CalCPA Membership Contact (typically a firm administrator, human resource professional, office manager or partner).
In mid-January, the Membership Contact is emailed a firm roster based on CalCPA internal data to review and update.
By mid-February, the Membership Contact returns the updated roster to CalCPA.
In mid-March:
The Membership Contact is emailed:
A single firm bill with an itemized renewals balance for each CalCPA member working at the firm (organized by office, if applicable) and total balance owed.
A list of CalCPA members not included on the bill because they do not owe membership renewals (free candidates, life members, recent joins.
Each of your employees who owe membership renewal receives an email explaining that they will not receive an annual membership renewal invoice from CalCPA because your firm is participating in our firm billing program.
Your firm remits payment by May 1.
Once payment is received and processed:
CalCPA emails the Membership Contact a payment receipt itemized by member.
Members are emailed letting him or her know that their membership renewal have been paid.